Killing humans. Excerpt from the book: FC rushed forward, his bayonet held to the front. The German easily parried the lunging bayonet to the side with his rifle, which he was also struggling to load. FC pulled his rifle back to himself, thrust it again harder and faster towards the German, who had glanced fleetingly and fatally at his jammed rifle breech. The bayonet met the German at the high end of his abdomen, dead center. The sharpened sword-like 17-inch-long bayonet thrust in deep, almost to the hilt at the man’s jacket. FC held the rifle with iron firm hands and flick-rotated it 90-degrees to the side. He then sharply slashed left and right a few inches,and withdrew his bayonet. He immediately pulled back in his rifle bolt and flung an unfired cartridge to the side, that had not loaded properly. He rammed the bolt brutally forward loading a fresh cartridge from the magazine, into the rifle-chamber, rotated the bolt handle to the right, and locked it. He was ready to shoot. Us Lee-Enfield SMLE Mk-III rifles can handle muddy conditions and still fire!   The human that FC had bayonetted, let out a gasp, and softly said "Awwww!”, and then slowly squatted and leaned back. His chest heaved a few big breaths as he lay, and he died immediately. This was the first man, and the only man FC ever killed with a bayonet. Few soldiers died from bayonet skirmishing in this Great War. It is a very old-fashioned way to kill a human. Stabbing a man in his stomach was a technique going back to pre-biblical times in the Middle East, and the early warring first city-states. Stabbing with a lance, or a sword, or a bayonet, very seldom gives as swift a death, as what FC had done here so very efficiently. FC had carried out his training with supreme expertise.”      Read the book, “I am The Rifle,and I kill” - available on Amazon (Click). Write to the author your book review, or any questions and other comments. AUTHOR (click)
Look into his wide eyes, and gut him with your bayonet.
Killing humans. Excerpt from the book: FC rushed forward, his bayonet held to the front. The German easily parried the lunging bayonet to the side with his rifle, which he was also struggling to load. FC pulled his rifle back to himself, thrust it again harder and faster towards the German, who had glanced fleetingly and fatally at his jammed rifle breech. The bayonet met the German at the high end of his abdomen, dead center. The sharpened sword-like 17-inch-long bayonet thrust in deep, almost to the hilt at the man’s jacket. FC held the rifle with iron firm hands and flick-rotated it 90-degrees to the side. He then sharply slashed left and right a few inches,and withdrew his bayonet. He immediately pulled back in his rifle bolt and flung an unfired cartridge to the side, that had not loaded properly. He rammed the bolt brutally forward loading a fresh cartridge from the magazine, into the rifle-chamber, rotated the bolt handle to the right, and locked it. He was ready to shoot. Us Lee- Enfield SMLE Mk-III rifles can handle muddy conditions and still fire!   The human that FC had bayonetted, let out a gasp, and softly said "Awwww!”, and then slowly squatted and leaned back. His chest heaved a few big breaths as he lay, and he died immediately. This was the first man, and the only man FC ever killed with a bayonet. Few soldiers died from bayonet skirmishing in this Great War. It is a very old-fashioned way to kill a human. Stabbing a man in his stomach was a technique going back to pre-biblical times in the Middle East, and the early warring first city-states. Stabbing with a lance, or a sword, or a bayonet, very seldom gives as swift a death, as what FC had done here so very efficiently. FC had carried out his training with supreme expertise.”      Read the book, “I am The Rifle,and I kill” - available on Amazon (Click). Write to the author your book review, or any questions and other comments. AUTHOR (click)
Look into his wide eyes, and gut him with your bayonet.
Killing humans. Excerpt from the book: FC rushed forward, his bayonet held to the front. The German easily parried the lunging bayonet to the side with his rifle, which he was also struggling to load. FC pulled his rifle back to himself, thrust it again harder and faster towards the German, who had glanced fleetingly and fatally at his jammed rifle breech. The bayonet met the German at the high end of his abdomen, dead center. The sharpened sword-like 17-inch- long bayonet thrust in deep, almost to the hilt at the man’s jacket. FC held the rifle with iron firm hands and flick-rotated it 90-degrees to the side. He then sharply slashed left and right a few inches,and withdrew his bayonet. He immediately pulled back in his rifle bolt and flung an unfired cartridge to the side, that had not loaded properly. He rammed the bolt brutally forward loading a fresh cartridge from the magazine, into the rifle-chamber, rotated the bolt handle to the right, and locked it. He was ready to shoot. Us Lee-Enfield SMLE Mk-III rifles can handle muddy conditions and still fire!   The human that FC had bayonetted, let out a gasp, and softly said "Awwww!”, and then slowly squatted and leaned back. His chest heaved a few big breaths as he lay, and he died immediately. This was the first man, and the only man FC ever killed with a bayonet. Few soldiers died from bayonet skirmishing in this Great War. It is a very old- fashioned way to kill a human. Stabbing a man in his stomach was a technique going back to pre-biblical times in the Middle East, and the early warring first city-states. Stabbing with a lance, or a sword, or a bayonet, very seldom gives as swift a death, as what FC had done here so very efficiently. FC had carried out his training with supreme expertise.”      Read the book, “I am The Rifle,and I kill” - available on Amazon (Click). Write to the author your book review, or any questions and other comments. AUTHOR  (click)
Look into his wide eyes, and gut him with your bayonet.