Invisible snake in a stoney African desert. BOOK EXCERPT: “The two humans had walked for an hour when FC heard a noise. He stopped. His son stopped. The noise was a sort of sighing, or perhaps a hoarse-whistling. FC thought it was the wind blowing through the branches of a tree. FC felt no wind. He looked all about and saw nothing; no trees. The sound made no sense. He looked for a dust- devil. That is a small whirlwind perhaps a yard or two wide, dragging a column of dust a mile up into the sky.  In the Middle East deserts, it was not unheard of for persons being close to dust-devils to attribute spiritual spoken words to it. FC saw nothing. He took a hesitant step forwards listening astutely and staring everywhere. Suddenly he heard the hissing-like sound again. He took another step and heard it even louder. He glanced down. There, 12-inches in front of his hiking-boot was a horned adder. The adder was winding its body back and forth scrapping its scales on itself. That was part of the noise FC had heard. The snake hissed too. It was 18 inches long, somewhat fat like its adder family members. Its body color and the transverse stripes made it blend in perfectly with the background gravel and pebbles. A horned adder is considered poisonous.  FC burst out laughing. This was such a surprise. He stepped back a few feet. The snake looked very angry. Had the snake not drawn attention to itself, FC would never in a hundred years have spotted it lying there. FC would unknowingly have walked right past it, had it stayed silent. “ Read the book, “I am The Rifle,and I kill” - available on Amazon (Click) Write to the author your book review, or any questions and other comments. AUTHOR (click)
Can you see the snake?
Invisible snake in a stoney African desert. BOOK EXCERPT: “The two humans had walked for an hour when FC heard a noise. He stopped. His son stopped. The noise was a sort of sighing, or perhaps a hoarse-whistling. FC thought it was the wind blowing through the branches of a tree. FC felt no wind. He looked all about and saw nothing; no trees. The sound made no sense. He looked for a dust-devil. That is a small whirlwind perhaps a yard or two wide, dragging a column of dust a mile up into the sky.  In the Middle East deserts, it was not unheard of for persons being close to dust-devils to attribute spiritual spoken words to it. FC saw nothing. He took a hesitant step forwards listening astutely and staring everywhere. Suddenly he heard the hissing-like sound again. He took another step and heard it even louder. He glanced down. There, 12- inches in front of his hiking-boot was a horned adder. The adder was winding its body back and forth scrapping its scales on itself. That was part of the noise FC had heard. The snake hissed too. It was 18 inches long, somewhat fat like its adder family members. Its body color and the transverse stripes made it blend in perfectly with the background gravel and pebbles. A horned adder is considered poisonous.  FC burst out laughing. This was such a surprise. He stepped back a few feet. The snake looked very angry. Had the snake not drawn attention to itself, FC would never in a hundred years have spotted it lying there. FC would unknowingly have walked right past it, had it stayed silent. “ Read the book, “I am The Rifle,and I kill” - available on Amazon  (Click) Write to the author your book review, or any questions and other comments. AUTHOR (click)
Can you see the snake?
Invisible snake in a stoney African desert. BOOK EXCERPT: “The two humans had walked for an hour when FC heard a noise. He stopped. His son stopped. The noise was a sort of sighing, or perhaps a hoarse-whistling. FC thought it was the wind blowing through the branches of a tree. FC felt no wind. He looked all about and saw nothing; no trees. The sound made no sense. He looked for a dust-devil. That is a small whirlwind perhaps a yard or two wide, dragging a column of dust a mile up into the sky.  In the Middle East deserts, it was not unheard of for persons being close to dust-devils to attribute spiritual spoken words to it. FC saw nothing. He took a hesitant step forwards listening astutely and staring everywhere. Suddenly he heard the hissing-like sound again. He took another step and heard it even louder. He glanced down. There, 12-inches in front of his hiking-boot was a horned adder. The adder was winding its body back and forth scrapping its scales on itself. That was part of the noise FC had heard. The snake hissed too. It was 18 inches long, somewhat fat like its adder family members. Its body color and the transverse stripes made it blend in perfectly with the background gravel and pebbles. A horned adder is considered poisonous.  FC burst out laughing. This was such a surprise. He stepped back a few feet. The snake looked very angry. Had the snake not drawn attention to itself, FC would never in a hundred years have spotted it lying there. FC would unknowingly have walked right past it, had it stayed silent. “ Read the book, “I am The Rifle,and I kill” - available on Amazon (Click) Write to the author your book review, or any questions and other comments. AUTHOR  (click)
Can you see the snake?